Reflection on Introductory Lecture

  • Evaluate the teaching/organisational methods used
  • During the session there were references to reports carried out by various educational and governmental institutions.
  • The reports give a perspective on the current state of HE and how to approach teaching within the context of a pandemic.
  • I noticed the gaps in representation in the bar graphs Mr Wisdom shared.
  • They were limited to gender and class and did not take other intersections into consideration.
  • I would like to see how disparities manifest using a more intersectional approach to research, which includes but is not limited to gender and class.
  • It’s beneficial to know how HE is approached by conservative government in order to look at what we are up against as educators working within this current context.
  • Explore further and comment on one/some of the issues discussed by the speakers  
  • On the function of silence, how it is important to have space to think, how it can be unsettling and awkward within the online learning context.
  • Brought up questions around transparency and opacity when it comes to learning, who is seen/ unseen?
  • Who speaks and who stays silence?
  • What is the functionality of silence within the context of learning exclusively online?
  • How do we create more dialogical learning spaces online?
  • Reflect on what it is like becoming a student again

It an adjustment to say the least! Becoming a student while balancing 3 jobs seems like a death-wish but I have full faith in the process. Becoming a student in an exclusively online context has its set of limitations to work within and around. For me it’s about making the most out of a less than ideal situation by making it fun and interesting for the students to interact with.

Acclimatising to the new learning environment is key to progress further as a student as remote learning is looking like it’s here to stay for the unforeseeable future. I’m hoping to find more ways to get the most out of an online session as time goes along.

More dialogue, discussion and interaction. More in terms of student feedback on ways to improve and get their input on how to improve. aThe more classes I teach and co- teach on, the more experience I will gain and hopefully i’ll feel more at ease with being in this position.

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