How do we come to an understanding? Vilhauer on Gadamer and the concept of Play.

  • To be able to understand something involves questions around knowing. How do we come to know what we know?
  • This is an epistemological concern.
  • Knowing doesn’t happen in a vacuum (e.g: formalism: detaching the work from context and reducing it to its formal qualities)
  • instead knowing happens during an ontological event, a happening of sorts.
  • in this ‘happening’ we must factor in the concept of play.
  • Play is contingent on the reflexive relationship between the art and the spectator.
  • focus on what happens in-between. Dynamics of play.
  • play: dance of mutual responsiveness (to-ing and fro-ing) between the:
  • contributions of the invested player, the player who plays with seriousness (shows that they are intentionally partaking in the game/ intentionality/ proactive approach in coming to an understanding.
  • the game involves, participation, interaction, commitment and seriousness.
  • the art that brings forth (claims a truth to be understood)
  • (expand on all points)

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