To be able to understand something involves questions around knowing. How do we come to know what we know?
This is an epistemological concern.
Knowing doesn’t happen in a vacuum (e.g: formalism: detaching the work from context and reducing it to its formal qualities)
instead knowing happens during an ontological event, a happening of sorts.
in this ‘happening’ we must factor in the concept of play.
Play is contingent on the reflexive relationship between the art and the spectator.
focus on what happens in-between. Dynamics of play.
play: dance of mutual responsiveness (to-ing and fro-ing) between the:
contributions of the invested player, the player who plays with seriousness (shows that they are intentionally partaking in the game/ intentionality/ proactive approach in coming to an understanding.
the game involves, participation, interaction, commitment and seriousness.
the art that brings forth (claims a truth to be understood)