Critical Reflection and Artefact

In paper I aim to offer a critical reflection on my teaching praxis and how transformative my experience in education has been. From the time I was a student of Philosophy and Fine Art, to the time I began my journey in education as an SEN learning assistant and care support worker, up until this …


Witness Unconscious Bias: Josephine Kwahili Kwahili speaks about her experience as a black academic and her opinions around unconscious bias. She disagrees that racism is unconscious. What will it take for the unconscious to become conscious? This brings into question the countless efforts made by black academics to educate institutions about racism. The emotional labour …

Reflections on the Microteaching Sessions

B’s Micro-teaching session utilised the chat function. Our group was asked to imagine a room and describe it. He prompted us to think about particular elements in the room such as a cube, a horse, a ladder and even a storm. Each of us were given a minute or so to describe each element in …

Feedback and Feed Forward

Enquiry : How you explore, ask questions and research the subject matter. Knowledge: How you gather relevant information pertaining to your area of interest and relate it to a wider context. Process: risk taking, experimentation, demonstrating how you have developed your idea through making process from start to finish. Communication: telling the story of your …

Seminar on Feedback and lack thereof.

Performitivity: we arent just talking about what we are saying we are thinking about the actual words spoken, the tone of delivery. Eventedness: Creating an event by personal adding touches. Who gets to embody the institution? Do institutional demands mitigate against open reflection? Max was opinionated in his views and lacked balance. He was openly …

Play and Measurement

We looked at the different ways that learning is measured. The metrics of what it is that we are looking for when assessing and feedback When we are measuring, there will always be things that we focus on and things that will inevitably miss out. Broad criteria of assessment invites nuances and different things to …

All About Love & The Ethics of Care

Things to consider: How do the sources relate to each other? How do they relate to your own teaching context? Summarise the content’s take-home points. Bell Hooks, All about love: Bell Hooks states that a Love ethic is born out of the scarcity of love in the world. In the context of the world today, …

Object based Learning TW Workshop

Subject What object-based learning is and how it can be beneficial in Art and design setting? Object based learning is a learning approach that uses objects to facilitate thinking and learning in a way that is multi sensory (sight, touch, smell, sound, taste)  The objects are used to stimulate the learner’s imagination and to help …